Discovery – Workflows & AOR (e)Workflows, SOP's and account ownership (existing) What is your email address?*Do you have account ownership rules already?*Please select an answerYesNo e.g. sales reps can own accounts for up to 1 year after a sale; only sales reps who own accounts may call and sell to them.Please list any current rules for gaining ownership of deal or prospect.*Please list any current rules for removal of account ownership.*How have these rules worked? Do they need to be improved? Please explain.*Do you use your CRM to manage account ownership? Please explain.*Do you currently have sales reps divided by territories or verticals? Or are you considering putting them in place?*Have you had issues with reps stepping on each other's toes pertaining to a sale? If so, please describe below.*How often should sales reps be in contact with accounts after selling to them?*Should sales reps be able to own accounts they haven’t sold to yet?*Do you have workflows or standard operating procedures documented in writing?*Please select an answerYesNoPlease tell us below about each SOP or process your sales reps need to know.*Name or description of the SOP, workflow or process sales reps need to followWhen does this need to be followed?Is this documented in writing? <br />Is the document up to date?Where is this document stored? Can you share it with us? Add RemoveFileMax. file size: 120 MB.Are there processes or daily workflows that sales reps will need to follow (outside of the sales tasks we’re creating)? Examples: how to properly quote; how to properly use production software; how to coordinate logistics. NOTE: we will take care of primary sales tasks like following up. Please use this space to include anything else.*Please select an answerYesNoName / description of each SOP or process*When the SOP or process needs to be followed*Tell us about an average day for a sales rep. How do they progress through the day? How much time do they usually spend in meetings or prospecting?*What non-sales software, apps or technologies will reps need to use? Please explain.*Is there a dress code and/or ethics code or behavior expectations?*Do reps need to use company property? If so, please describe below.*Are there relevant legal requirements, regulations or certifications for customers or vendors in your industry? Is the sales rep required to be compliant with any? Please explain.*What contracts, forms or agreements do customers need to sign? How is the sales rep involved with that process?*Any other comments?*Δ