Buyer personas
Fictional representations of your potential buyers.
Buyer personas describe the traits and characteristics of the people who buy (or benefit) from your product. Buyer personas can also describe the people you want to avoid.
Sales teams use buyer personas to understand customers better and tailor their sales pitch (and content) to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different buyers.
Buyer personas are crucial for your marketing strategy and advertising, but it’s a beneficial exercise for sales teams too. At a minimum, sales teams should categorize buyers and approaching selling to unique buyers in separate ways.
Sales teams use buyer personas to understand customers better and tailor their sales pitch (and content) to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different buyers.
Buyer personas are crucial for your marketing strategy and advertising, but it’s a beneficial exercise for sales teams too. At a minimum, sales teams should categorize buyers and approaching selling to unique buyers in separate ways.