Right Person Right Time (RPRT)
Good timing and personality fit is necessary for sales reps to be successful.
Companies can impact sales reps’ knowledge, persuasiveness, and incentive long after they’re hired, but RPRT is a make-or-break fourth condition that needs to be verified when interviewing candidates.
Candidates pass the RPRT test if they will be:
1. Happy with the role
Sales isn’t always fun. Rejection isn’t easy, and cold outreach isn’t sexy. Some people will never make it past this. You need people who can shrug these off as tiny obstacles on the way to a greater goal.
2. Career timing
Timing is especially important in sales because the pay is inconsistent and low in the first few months (or years.) Candidates tend to believe they’ll earn significant commission quicker than they actually will. Hiring someone who quits a few months later when the pay isn’t supporting their lifestyle is a costly disaster.
Candidates pass the RPRT test if they will be:
1. Happy with the role
Sales isn’t always fun. Rejection isn’t easy, and cold outreach isn’t sexy. Some people will never make it past this. You need people who can shrug these off as tiny obstacles on the way to a greater goal.
2. Career timing
Timing is especially important in sales because the pay is inconsistent and low in the first few months (or years.) Candidates tend to believe they’ll earn significant commission quicker than they actually will. Hiring someone who quits a few months later when the pay isn’t supporting their lifestyle is a costly disaster.