Role plays
Simulated sales calls between managers and reps.
Role plays simulate entire sales calls (or specific call scenarios) between managers and reps. The goal is to routinely coach reps on how to react quickly, confidently and correctly when common objections or situations play out in real sales calls.
Call architectures are a helpful tool during role plays and call reviews since managers can visually show correct responses.
Role playing is especially important when coaching new sales reps in a complex industry. While still helpful for simple product sales, role playing is a necessity for getting sales reps in technical industries ready to represent your brand to potential customers.
Call architectures are a helpful tool during role plays and call reviews since managers can visually show correct responses.
Role playing is especially important when coaching new sales reps in a complex industry. While still helpful for simple product sales, role playing is a necessity for getting sales reps in technical industries ready to represent your brand to potential customers.